Friday, October 9, 2009

Okay, so I skipped yesterday.

Sue me.

Not only did I skip updating, I didn't go to school either. But I was feeling somewhat better, so I helped out around the house, made dinner -


Yep. Baked pasta, also known as "the-best-recipe-my-mother-ever-made-up-when-she-didn't-feel-like-making-something-complicated". It goes like this: Brown a pound of ground beef. Stick it in a cake pan. Dump a pond of pasta on it. Dump a jar of spaghetti sauce plus half a jar of water on top of that. Put tinfoil over the top of that. Shove it into the oven at 350 degrees for half an hour. Stir it. If it's crunchy, it goes back in with the tinfoil back on top. If it's not, throw out the tinfoil, throw on a pile of your favorite cheese, and stick it back in the oven for a few minutes to melt. Remove, enjoy, eat whole thing and get really sick (okay, you can skip that last part).

Feeds 4-6, depending on how many teenagers you have in the house. We had about a serving left, so we put that in the fridge and I had it for lunch today. YUM!

I also forgot to mention (in my swineflu-delirium) that my cousin Beth is the best ever, for giving me her awesome lemon-honey-tea-stuff. It's exactly what it sounds like: lemon slices and honey in a jar in my fridge, waiting for hot water to turn them into the most soothing non-medicated cold remedy ever. Love ya Beff!

I seem to have gotten over my icky flu, so I probably would have gone to school today - if I'd had it! Inservice day = happy Marg. Spent the day on my DS, wasting time. I was slightly useful in that I did the dishes, so I wasn't a total waste of oxygen.

SAT's tommorow. My calculator batteries are new this month, so they should be okay. I'll see if we have spares I can bring along in my bag. I have a ton of #2 non-mechanical pencils, plus erasers galore. I will bring my cellphone, but it will be turned off in the bottom of my bag until I leave the building. I'm also going to try and memorize the necessary school codes tonight, so as not to waste time tomorrow. I have to be at Central at seven forty-freaking-five in the morning. Kill me now and spare the pain of everyone in a five-mile radius.

Ah well. Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the tea! Glad you're feeling better too. Good luck on your SATs, I'm sure you'll be fine. I had teeth pulled the day before mine and went in on percocet. Suuplies included, calc, 2 #2 pencils, eraser, ice pack, advil.

    I'll be up super early for Pod Camp Pittsburgh! WOOO!
